February 2012 ADC Business Breakfast Roundtable

What better way to celebrate the Black History Month than invite a prominent African American Historian from the Twin Cities. Our guest speaker this morning at the Business Breakfast Roundtable was William Green, an Associate Professor and Sabo Senior Fellow at Augsburg College.

Green spoke about some of the invisible barriers to the progress of the community and gave specific examples from our midst in the twin cities that would strike a chord with the audience. He spoke about the political system that has been constructed to favor the majority and small loopholes that can make policies ineffective. According to him, “Politics don’t necessarily lead to opportunity.”

Green ended the round table by narrating an event, from his life that changed him forever. His personal account of experiences and struggles, gave a personal touch to what could have been a text book history.

  • William Green greets participants
  • William Green speaks
  • participants at the ADC Commerce and Community Conversation, Feb 2012
  • William Green speaks with an open gesture
  • a participant speaks
  • William Green speaks. Hussein Samatar looks on.
  • Participants at the round table discussion
  • Hussein Samatar gives William Green a token of appreciation

ADC is proud to announce that this year’s lineup of these important community discussions is made possible through the generous support of

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A new partner for ADC, Carolyn Foundation seeks to enhance the vitality of Minneapolis by building a shared understanding and commitment to our community

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A long-time supporter of ADC, Comcast is dedicated to expanding digital literacy, promoting community service and building tomorrow’s leaders


William Green is an Associate Professor and Sabo Senior Fellow at Augsburg College. He received his B.A. in History from Gustavus Adolphus College, and his Ph.D. and J.D. from the University of Minnesota. He has published many pieces in history and law, including pieces in Minnesota History and The Journal of Law and Politics, as well as editorials in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. He is currently working on a three-volume history of civil rights in Minnesota.